Numbers and Spoken Forms
Unimacro and Vocola
Cooperation with voicecoder
Unit testing
Grammar classes
 Browsable Grammar
Global dictation

The first grammar subclass: grammarX

This is, for Unimacro, the base class after Joel's GrammarBase.

  • It registers and unregisters each grammar. It also registers exclusive grammars.
  • The on/off state of a grammar can be controlled.
  • Messages can be displayed in the recognition window.

DisplayMessage and exclusive grammars

This mechanism makes it possible to send diagnostic messages into the recognition box. If messages are too long, or contain specific characters, the message is sent to a NatSpeak MsgBoxConfirm dialog window instead.

If a grammar is exclusive (more grammars are also possible now) and a recognition is rejected (like <???> in non-exclusive mode) also a diagnostic message <grammarname: ???> is displayed. If something should be displayed from a gotBegin function (where you do not have recognitionMimic), the message is pended, and displayed later.

In order to let this work the grammar _control automatically follows the exclusive state of another grammar. In the file there is also a messageDictGrammar, a dictation grammar that is only switched on at the moment of displaying a message.

The connection with grammarX goes through the global functions in natlinkutilsbj: RegisterMessageObject, UnRegisterMessageObject, RegisterControlObject, UnRegisterControlObject.

See also in the grammar _control

Instance variables

The following instance variables are set:




'enx', 'nld', ... in order to make language dependent things possible.


the wanted state of a grammar0 == off state, 1 == on state. On (1) at start (refined in IniGrammar)

("exclusive" can also be a value, experimental, QH)


the actual state of a grammar


the NatSpeak version: for example 7 if found in nssystem.ini. Older versions, if not found in this file assume to be 5.


the exclusive state (1) or not (0)


(obsolete?) Signals if you are in gotBegin or not.