Installation python 2.7 version
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Natlink, including Unimacro and Vocola2

This version of Natlink is more or less obsolete, but installation instructions are still presented here. But if possible, switch within some time to the Python 3 release (click on Installation above)

Natlink is an OpenSource extension module for the speech recognition program Dragon.

In each Natlink with python2.7 release, also Vocola and Unimacro are included.

Other packages, like Dragonfly, need Natlink in order to work with Dragon, but should be separately installed.

In this section of this website are the instructions for Installation for python 2.7 version and Configuration of Natlink, including Vocola and Unimacro.

The more detailed description of Unimacro and all sort of other Features and the Unimacro Grammars are found in the main menu above. This information will be transferred to the Python3 release of Natlink/Unimacro.

For more about Vocola see the Vocola 2 website.

The stable release was released several years ago: release 4.2

This will also be the final release for Python 2.7.

Now (November 2024) there is also a fairly stable Python 3 release. Please read on at the home page of this site.