Natlink, including Unimacro and Vocola2

NatLink is an OpenSource extension module for the speech recognition program Dragon.

In each Natlink release also Vocola and Unimacro are included.

Other packages, like Dragonfly, need Natlink in order to work with Dragon, but should be separately installed.

On this website are the instructions for downloading and configuring Natlink, including Vocola and Unimacro, and a more detailed description of Unimacro. For more about Vocola see the Vocola 2 website.

A stable release is finally committed: link(/installation/installation.html, release 4.2)

This will also be the final release for Python 2.7.

Python 3 users can - for the time being - install Python 2.7 alongside, and run Natlink via this version. This does not disturb the working of Python 3.

The implementation of Natlink with python3 is going pretty well, but has taken far too much time. But... at the beginning of November 2022, we hope to release a pretty good pre-release! See link(/installation/installationexperimentalversionpython3.html, experimental install of Natlink with python3).

Please consider making a donation to this project


The Natlink base:

  • Dragon is the world leading speech recognition program, sold by Nuance.
  • Natlink (in the past also NatPython) is an open source project written by Joel Gould in 1999. Several presentations that were on Joels website have gone, does anyone have copies of them? This one is still present, written by Joel Gould in about 2001.

The Add-on packages:

  • The Unimacro project aims to provide a rich set of command grammars, that can be configured by the users without programming knowledge. These grammars that are presented on this website.
  • Vocola 2 is a project that aims for easily making user defined commands. Consult the Vocola 2 website. Note: for Windows Speech Recognition you can use Vocola 3.
  • Read more about Vocola 2 and Unimacro, which to use when and also how they cooperate. Vocola commands can profit from Unimacro features.
  • Dragonfly is a third package, that has been developed in a more modern pythonic way. It is very powerful, but should be installed separate. Note: Dragonfly also works with Windows Speech Recognition.
  • User defined grammars can also be included directly in Natlink.

What is on this site?

  • The link(/installation/installation.html, installation/configuration section) will guide you through the installation details of NatLink/Vocola 2 and Unimacro.
  • The link(features/index.html, features section) explains the powerful things that are implemented with Unimacro.
  • The grammars section is by far the most important for practical use of Unimacro. Most of the grammars are designed to be global, so first look into the global grammars examples.
  • More technical details of the different Unimacro grammar classes and link(installation/technicaldetails/index.html, NatLink in general).
  • Finally, About gives information on the authors of this project and the copyright notice, and asks you for a donation.

Demo movies

Some demonstration movies have been made, to show features of Unimacro.

  • About the installation and configuration of NatLink, Unimacro and Vocola
  • From some time ago:
    • link(grammars/globalgrammars/folders/index.html, grammar folders, opening folders, files and drives)
    • link(grammars/globalgrammars/tasks/index.html, several demo movies on task switching, both Dutch and English)
    • link(grammars/games/patience.html, Dutch: playing solitaire)
    • link(features/cooperationwithvoicecoder/index.html, interaction Unimacro with voicecoder)

Please now download the first "stable" release in years: link(/installation/installation.html, 4.2) (September 2, 2019).

See installation pages