Numbers and Spoken Forms
Unimacro and Vocola
 Elevator view
 Unimacro Shorthand Commands
 Meta actions
 include file Unimacro_vch
Unit testing
Grammar classes

Unimacro Shorthand Commands

All sophisticated Unimacro shorthand commands can be called from Vocola 2, like

  • Unimacro("WINKEY e") for starting the explorer
  • Unimacro("U Delta") for printing the Greek DELTA on your screen
  • Unimacro(KW) for killing a window (skipping the yes/no question)
  • Unimacro(MDOWN) for pressing the mouse button and
  • Unimacro(ENDMOUSE) for releasing the mouse button

For most of these commands a helper function is included in the Vocola include file Unimacro.vch. This file should be copied into the Vocola Commands File Directory. Your Vocola User Files then need an include line. These functions are performed by the NatLink configure program (GUI or CLI). (Button Vocola compatibility of CLI functions l and m.)

The result is that above functions can be called directly, like Vocola 2 functions:

  • WINKEY(e)
  • U(Delta)
  • KW()
  • MDOWN()

You can browse through all the possibilities in the include file Unimacro.vch. Also consult: the page on this site

Note the function calls that go through Vocola 2 expect a fixed number of parameters. For example the WINKEY function expects one parameter, a letter (e) or a keystroke ({f1}). If you just want to call the Windows key, you can use either Unimacro(WINKEY) or (in this example) WINKEY0(). The latter being defined in the include file Unimacro.vch.

Example relative mouse positions

Next example lets the mouse visit the corners of the screen, active window or the client area of the active window. It remembers the previous mouse position and returns there after the excursion. (Instead of 0 as fourth parameter in the RMP function also noclick can be given.)

include "Unimacro.vch";
 := (world = 0 | window = 1 | client area = 5 );
travel around the  =
    RMP($1, 0, 0, 0)         VW()
    RMP($1, -0.01, 0, 0)     VW()
    RMP($1, -0.01, -0.01, 0) VW()
    RMP($1, 0, -0.01, 0)     VW()
    RMP($1, 0, 0, 0)         VW()

Example moving the mouse around

Next example lets the mouse move in pixels, steps or jumps, relative to the current position. These commands only work on the primary screen only (in case you work with mulptiple screens).

include "Unimacro.vch";
 := (pixels=1 | steps=10 | jumps=50);
mouse left 1..20  = MP(2, Eval(-$1*$2), 0, 0);
mouse right 1..20  = MP(2, Eval($1*$2), 0, 0);
mouse up 1..20  = MP(2, 0, Eval(-$1*$2), 0);
mouse down 1..20  = MP(2, 0, Eval($1*$2), 0);

A different approach is to make one range, which increases the "gaps", in order to remain maintainable by NatSpeak:

 := (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|
mouse left  = MP(2, Eval(-$1), 0, 0);
mouse right  = MP(2, $1, 0, 0);
mouse up  = MP(2, 0, Eval(-$1), 0);
mouse down  = MP(2, 0, $1, 0);