Numbers and Spoken Forms
Unimacro and Vocola
Cooperation with voicecoder
Unit testing
Grammar classes
Global dictation

Different paths

  • By default the executable AutoHotkey.exe will be located in the 32-bit Program Files directory.
  • By default the user ahk script files will be located in the AutoHotkey subfolder of your Documents (PERSONAL) folder.

When these paths are not correct, you can overrule them via the link(/installation/technicaldetails/natlinkconfigfunctions.html, natlinkconfigfunctions), to be started with the Start menu item Configure NatLink via command line interface.

  • The option h <ahk-exe-dir> is used for defining the directory where AutoHotkey.exe is located;
  • The option k <ahk-user-dir> is used for defining the directory where your User ahk-scripts are located.
  • When you want to return to the default settings, these entries are cleared with H and K